These Penn & Teller projects were a ton of fun to design and direct. I saw Penn & Teller back in ’85 (?) in a small Hells Kitchen “off, off, off Broadway” theater. In fact my “uncle” Art Wolf directed the show back then, before moving on to the Tracey Ullman show, et al. Needless to say, I was allowed to sneak into the show a whole bunch. I was also a HUGE fans of “Mofo the Psychic Gorilla” and wore my Mofo T-Shirt till it fell apart. All this was in the back of my mind when I was given a chance to pitch on the Penn & Teller: Bullshit! project, so I really gave it my all. I think it came out great given the typical time and budget constraints of pay TV productions. Have a look at the Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Seasons 7 & 8 intros!
ClientSHOWTIMEServicesMain Title Sequence: Direction, Design & AnimationCreditsDirection/Design/Animation/3D: Pete Conlon • Animation/Composite Larry Ho • Modelling: Xiangyong Huang • Edit/Composite/Post: Brian Yarnell • Produced @ My Old Studio WUT IT IS