The artist’s paintings brought to life with Pete Conlon’s motion treatments:
The artist’s paintings brought to life with Pete Conlon’s motion treatments:
The artist’s Still Life Paintings inspire a library of digital elements created by Pete Conlon for use in a randomized digital art collection engine:
The artist’s Portrait Paintings inspire a library of digital elements created by Pete Conlon for use in a randomized digital art collection engine:
ROSS + KRAMER Gallery in NYC introduced me to Erik Parker and got us working on bringing some of his paintings to life through motion. At first, we went with a fairly elaborate jungle swamp scene, then moved on to an idyllic tropical cliff and waterfall landscape. Erik provided me with high resolution pictures of his paintings which I then digitally pulled apart into separate elements, digitally painted in missing pieces, built out a 3-dimensional environment for the prepped art, gave select elements skeletal rigs for motion, and then flew cameras through the resulting worlds. You can watch the results here!
Todd Kramer of ROSS + KRAMER Gallery in NYC got in touch with me to help create some digital artwork collections based on Christian Rex Van Minnen’s paintings. Christian and I brainstormed and decided to start with the ‘Google Antibodies and the Golden Antigen’ painting from the May 2021 exhibit Nature Morte at The Hole Gallery in NYC, then expanded to the singular Blue gummy/antigen guy. We later came together to do some research and development on a random art generation project. At first, we explored his portrait style and then later with his still-life style. I created 3D art in Christians style that could be pulled apart, randomized, and put back together to create endless combinations. It’s all still a work in progress! Have a look:
ClientERIK PARKER, CHRISTIAN REX VAN MINNEN, ROSS + KRAMER GALLERYServicesDesign, Animation, ScriptingCreditsArt/Design/Animation: Pete Conlon • Original Artworks: ERIK PARKER, CHRISTIAN REX VAN MINNEN